This is a post I ment to write a lot earlier - but it's better late than never right?Summer - vacations - staying in exotic places...well depending on where you go! Summer seems to be the season for house guests. Nan hosted us for an entire week and it was wonderful!! Ya know when you stay at someone elses house and you feel a little "wierd"...well that wasn't the case with this trip. Nan was an excellent hostess and I documented a few ways that she helped me feel right at home.
Weather they are staying for a day or a week try here are 3 steps to help your guests enjoy their stay:
1.Give them all the info they need. Providing a map (with helpful points: i.e. your house, the grocery store, the shuttle pick up) is a SAVING grace!! I carried my map with me everywhere, Logan isn't the largest city in the world, but it was great to know where I was and/or how to get where I was going.
A House key.
A list of phone numbers: Your cell, work phone, neighbors that can help, etc. Since Nan couldn't take an entire week off of work me & baby S were by ourselves for awhile during the day. It was awesome to have a list of numbers of close by gals that I could call (and knew that I was there too!!) if I needed someone to hang out with or to borrow a stroller.
2. Providing them with the comforts of home. During our grand tour of the house Nan also included a tour of her freezer that contained - My Favorite - Toaster Strudels (I had one every morning) and some very indepth reading of the
royal was so sweet, it was so nice, I felt so at home! We normally don't travel with a port-a-crib because there is always one at grandma's, Nan graciously provided us one that was set up and ready to go when we arrived. Find out what your guests need (or like!!)- never assume - that way they can settle in quicker and be ready to socialize.

3. Going the extra mile. One of the reasons it's so nice to stay at a hotel is the little extras that you get. Mr. S. chukled when he saw these on our pillows and asked, "Do you think she'll charge us $4 for drinking it?" Are there little extras that you can offer your guests that will make their stay more comfortable? Water, extra blankets or pillows, a manicurist, toiletries or even some good night time reading placed in their room (so they don't have to ask for it) puts the stay above and beyond more comfy.....unless the manicurist has a tendancy to snore :)
Do you have any house guest tips or tricks? Be sure to share!
Also we are still on the hunt for those
No-Oven recipes be sure to turn those in!!!